Day No.5

Day No 5
If you born on the 5th, 14th, and 23rd of any month, you are ruled by No. 5. Your ruling planet is Mercury. You are energetic, adventurous, daring and freedom-loving. They also tend to be versatile, flexible, adaptable, curious, social, sensual, quick-thinking, witty, courageous and worthy.
If  you consider nothing is impossible. You are very popular and successful. No 5 makes your intellect work with lighting speed. You quickly think of new ideas. You are responsible for the rapid scientific development in our modern life.

You consider the whole world lags behind. You are fond of new business ventures and you are never afraid of failures. You are liked by all. If your day no is 5 but your life no. is 7  or 8, your life will be filled with narrow escapes from accidents and death. No . 5 gives you power of attraction.

No. 5 ensures your business success. You can do any business successfully. You like to earn well and spend well. You achieve great name and fame. You think of novel ways of making money. If you fail, know that. It is the stepping stone for your next big success. You perform memorable things and invent new ideas, new ways of marketing and new methods.
On the other side, you are careless, unstable, self-indulgent. But you have careful with your secrets. You can hide anything from others. People come to know of your secret love matters very quickly. You easily fall in love. It is instant love  out of passion rather than reason. Because you love changes in everything, you also change your love often. You may end up in serious trouble.

Diamond is your best favorite gem. It should be highly pure. It must shine with the glow of the flames. You can also use Zircon. You have to wear your gem in your right hand ring finger. No 5 makes you lucky but your desire for variety and change affects your marital life.
No 5 causes delay or denial of children. You must correct both by wearing your lucky gem stone. It gives you luck and riches. It makes you come out successful. It works for you like a magical talisman.
Lucky Number      5, 9
Lucky Days           5, 14, 23, 9, 18, 27
Lucky Business      Any business suits you. Commission, Travel agency, consultancy Brokerage.
Love Mate           Persons with ruling nos. 9, 18, 27 attract you. If you marry any of them you may end up with a bitter married life.